Breach: 2.1 Walkthrough

The past few weeks I've been working off and on with Breach 2.0/2.1 created by mrb3n.

This VM was a ton of fun. I've always enjoyed the movie Office Space and anytime there's a theme that interests me, it makes it even more fun to compromise!

Without further ado, here's my walkthrough of the latest VM on VulnHub... Breach 2.0:

Tommy Boy: 1 Walkthrough

Today I finally completed the Tommy Boy: 1 VM created by Brian Johnson that was on VulnHub. 

This was one of my favorite VM's seeing that it was based on the movie Tommy Boy. I can honestly say it's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but after this VM, it looks like I'll need to set some time aside in the near future to re-watch this classic Chris Farley and David Spade movie.

The objective of this VM was to "restore a backup copy of the homepage to Callahan Auto's server. However, to consider the box fully pwned, you'll need to collect 5 flags strewn about the system, and use the data inside them to unlock one final message."

Sounds simple enough, let's see what it had to take to pwn this box!

TopHatSec: Freshly Walkthrough

Another VM that I found on VulnHub is TopHatSec: Freshly that is created by TopHatSec.

I had this VM in my KeepNote for a while now, but never thought to throw it up online until recently. Here's my reenactment for rooting this box several months ago:

I spin up the VM in VirtualBox and kick off an nmap scan on my vboxnet0 interface

BNE0x03 - Simple Walkthrough

This is my first VulnHub write-up. I've accrued many folders in my KeepNote and decided it was time to post them in a centralized location to help myself become better at documenting my findings. More than likely the first few posts will be very simple and will not have much narrative. As I become more comfortable, I will start to add my own spin on things. Let's do this.

This VM is called SecTalks: BNE0x03 - Simple and it was created by Robert Winkel

I spin up the VM in VirtualBox and kick off an nmap scan on my vboxnet0 interface